Tuesday, October 7, 2008

McCracken for Congress -- United States National Debt Surpasses $10 Trillion

While everyone was focusing on the fate of the bailout plan this week, the federal government’s debt passed the $10 trillion mark with hardly anyone noticing. Of course, the bailout plan insures that this debt will climb even higher as there is specific language in the bailout plan authorizing the federal government to raise the debt limit and borrow up to $840 billion to fund the bailout.



The Outstanding Public Debt as of 05 Oct 2008 at 12:45:21 PM GMT is:


The estimated population of the United States is 304,852,050
so each citizen's share of this debt is $33,317.19.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$3.08 billion per day since September 28, 2007!


The working people of the United States should be outraged that the members of Congress passed the bailout bill without addressing a way to fund the cost. It is bordering on criminal that our elected leaders at the federal level continue to allow this debt to grow ignoring the impact it will have on the future security of our nation. I have continued to stress as the main theme of my campaign that we must elect leaders who will make fiscal responsibility a top priority. We must solve this problem now or we will pass it on to our children and grandchildren, leaving this country a weak shell of what it once was.

In a typical campaign year, voters would be looking for the candidates that are spreading the “Happy Days Are Here Again” message. However, in 2008, unless you are living a severe state of denial, you have to realize that tough times are upon us and tough choices must be made. I’ve heard my Republican opponent regularly state “I believe our best days are ahead of us.” The hard facts are people are struggling with higher fuel prices, no health care coverage, higher food prices and higher local taxes because of the failed policies of the last 8 years and the neglect of the problems affecting the middle class. While they’ve worked to reform welfare for individuals, our government is now passing bailout legislation that amounts to corporate welfare.

The real message voters need to hear is the hard truth. This country is a mess and tough decisions must be made to turn the country around. The turn around won’t be a quick and it won’t be easy. But, if voters do their part and make the right choices on November 4th, we can start the process to bring our country back. And, in bringing the country back, the emphasis must be on putting the needs of the working people above the desires of corporate America for profits.

Review of the Past Week on the Campaign Trail:

This past week I was on the road doing interviews with several newspapers from within the 5th district and I also recorded a ½ hour interview that will be broadcast later in October on PCN. There were also candidate forums this week in Clearfield and Bradford where I had the chance to discuss the issues with my opponents. Finally, we finished the week with 2 great events. On Friday in State College Justin Braz and Bill Van Saun arranged an event with some Penn State students so we could talk with them about how important this election is to young voters. State Rep. Scott Conklin also spoke with the young voters.

On Saturday we traveled to Clarion to participate in the Autumn Leaf Festival parade. It was a great event with special guests Franco Harris and his wife Dana on hand representing the Obama campaign. The people in Clarion were chanting “Franco, Franco” throughout the parade route and it was really encouraging to hear the cheers for the Democratic floats and the enthusiasm for Barack Obama. Special thanks go out to Clarion County Democratic Chairman Bill Miller for pulling everything together, State Rep. Matt Ellenberger and the Clarion University Young Dems for their work building 2 great floats.

Franco Harris with Clarion University Young Dems

With State Rep Candidate Matt Ellenberger in front of Democratic Float

Bob Myers from Venango County getting autograph from Franco Harris

Talking with Franco Harris

Schedule for the Upcoming Week:

Tuesday -- Cameron County Debate - 6:00PM

Wednesday -- WJAC Interview - 9:00AM

Thursday -- Debate at State College High School [TENTATIVE] - 10:00AM, PSU-DuBois Debate - 6:30PM

Friday -- Lycoming County Grange Meet the Candidates Forum - 6:00PM, Dinner with the PSU Young Dems - 8:00PM

Saturday -- Renovo Flaming Foliage Parage - 12:00PM, Venango County Democratic Dinner - 7:00PM

FUNDRAISING REMINDER -- Keep talking with people about the 5,000 Friends to Flip the Fifth project. We can win the 5th District Congressional District for the first time in 32 years but we need to be organizing our forces heading into the final weeks. The only way to turn this country around is to send people to Washington who will make the tough decisions. The choice in the 5th district is clear. My opponent regularly states that he supports the fiscal policies of the Bush administration AKA "the Bush tax cuts" and will continue them -- More of the Same. While I continue to stress that we must balance the budget, built a surplus and pay down the debt.

In order to get the message out to voters we will need to advertise which costs money. Please contact your family and friends and urge them to financially support our campaign as we move into the final weeks. Donations can be made online through www.actblue.com or by direct mail to McCracken for Congress, PO Box 332, Clearfield PA 16830.

Mark B. McCracken
Your Candidate for Congress

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