Tuesday, June 17, 2008

McCracken for Congress -- Weekly Progress Report -- June 15th 2008

Father's Day -- Our Day to Relax

Today being Father's Day, I'm getting extra special treatment from Amanda. I was treated to breakfast this morning and afterwards, Kelly and Amanda headed to the community pool in Clearfield so I could relax for a couple of hours. For all the fathers, soak up the special treatment today because tomorrow it's back to solving problems.

There are several important events to note from the past week. On Tuesday evening I attended the monthly meeting of the Centre County Democratic Committee. Centre County Chair Dianne Gregg along with Greg Stewart from the Obama campaign hosted a great meeting. The people in attendance are ready to go to work for the entire Democratic ticket and there was much enthusiasm and excitement about what can be accomplished in 2008. Also, voter registration and voting trend numbers are very positive for the Democratic Party in Centre County.

On Friday, Kelly and I were in Bellefonte to take in the atmosphere of the Bellefonte Cruise. Our original plan was to take a classic car and participate in the event, but, when a downpour went through Clearfield around 4 PM, we decided to leave the sports car in the garage. We did get the chance to walk around downtown Bellefonte and talk with people and see some great cars. The only downside was several people commented that participation appeared to be down from prior years. You have to wonder how much the $4 per gallon price of gas affected the turnout.

On Saturday morning, Kelly, Amanda and I were back in Centre County to attend a fundraising breakfast arranged by Keith Bierly. I want to thank the people who signed on to host the event: Elizabeth Goreham, John and Sharon McCarthy, Joe French, Tom and Barbara Thwaites, Bill Cahir and Benson Lichtig It was a tremendous event with attendance from people we had already met during the primary election campaign and many new friends who are joining on to support our campaign. Thanks to everyone who came out and I greatly appreciate all the questions, comments and suggestions that were made to help with the direction of the campaign as we move forward.

Thanks to the Hosts of the State College Breakfast – L-R, Henry Guthrie – Campaign Chairman, Mark McCracken, Hosts Elizabeth Goreham, Sharon and John McCarthy, Barbara and Tom Thwaites, Joe French.

The rest of the day Saturday was busy as we attended a flea market / car show in Bigler at the historic Super 322 Drive-In, spent several hours at DuBois Community Days and eventually ended up in Houtzdale to attend a dinner event.

Events for the Coming Week – June 16th to 22nd:

Tuesday June 17th – State College, the Chamber of Business and Industry of Centre County will be hosting a luncheon and debate with both candidates for the 5th Congressional District.

Thursday, June 19th from 11 AM to 3 PM, Open house at the recently expanded Murmac Farms in Bellefonte PA. Thursday, June 19th as Clearfield County Commissioner, I will be attending the LMIP hearing held by Pennsylvania DEP for the proposed Chest Township landfill.

Friday, June 20th, Kelly and I are tentatively scheduled to attend the Pennsylvania Federation of Democratic Women's 81st annual convention in Altoona.

Saturday, June 21st, Wellsboro, Tioga County - Laurel Festival from 10 AM and Parade at 2 PM.

Sunday June 22nd, State College attending 2 house parties hosted by Art Goldschmidt at 1173 Oneida Street from 3 to 5 PM and at a second location to be determined later from 5:30 to 7:30 PM.


Pins, Pens, Stickers and Magnetic Bumper Signs Available: We have McCracken for Congress pins, pens, lapel stickers and magnetic bumper stickers available for anyone who would like them. Please email the campaign with requests for these items.


Fundraising: We would like to remind everyone that the FEC quarterly report deadline is coming up June 30th. It is important to show that the campaign is making progress raising funds for the fall campaign. Our message is strong but we need to mount a competitive media campaign after Labor Day. Please visit our website www.mccrackenforcongress.com if you would like to donate online via ActBlue.com. We really appreciate the support we are receiving.


Important Upcoming Event: We will be holding a McCracken for Congress dinner in Clearfield on Thursday July 17th 5:30 PM at the Lawrence Township Fireman's Social Hall on Mill Road in Clearfield. Mark your calendars and plan to attend this event.

Mark B. McCracken
Your Candidate for Congress

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